
SpaceIn and Apadilangit Collaboration for the Development of Space Technology Education and Exploration

22 Feb 2022 – SpaceIn Sdn Bhd, a spin-off company of Universiti Sains Malaysia has signed an MOA with Langit Kita Sdn Bhd or better known as Apadilangit. The agreement covers the joint development of a space technology education module and Apadilangit was appointed to market space education products and high altitude balloon launch services developed by SpaceIn Sdn Bhd.

‘Apadilangit has been in the space education industry for a long time and is very experienced in conducting various activities with school students in Malaysia. In 2021 alone, the participants of the Apadilangit program have reached 180,363 people. Therefore, this collaboration is expected to complement the space education ecosystem where SpaceIn can help supply learning kits related to space technology to Apadilangit. A learning kit called ‘Cansat Kit Education (CaKEd)’ is developed to provide exposure to students on satellite manufacturing technology.’ Explained Dr. Norilmi Amilia Ismail, Director of SpaceIn Sdn Bhd.

Apadilangit CEO, Mr. Hafez Ahmad Murtza stated that the high altitude balloon (HAB) launch is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to give space excitement to students and space enthusiasts. The collaboration with SpaceIn for this HAB launch service opens up opportunities for all to participate in space activities.

SpaceIn Sdn Bhd is a company that develops small-scale satellite technology. The company was founded in November 2020 and started with satellite education products. SpaceIn has just won the SUPERB TERAJU 2021 grant for a satellite IoT project using a pico-satellite platform.

Apadilangit is a company that aims to create space awareness for the younger generation and contribute to the country’s technological and social development by developing the space community, building technology, creating new approaches, and helping to stimulate Malaysia’s national awareness and the global space program and its importance to society and modern Malaysia economy.

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